The New Moon April 8, 2024 is a total Solar Eclipse. The Sun and Moon align in the action sign of Aries serves as a catalyst for both personal and planetary changes.
Aries in astrology is the first zodiac sign. As a fire sign, Aries is a symbol for passion and action. Aries is a catalyst, fast and impulsive. The Aries New Moon is a time for setting intentions about what you want to create. Light your fire, then take action and do something! This April 8 New Moon with a solar eclipse may serve as a portal to initiate a next step, personally and for the planet, now throughout the year 2024. Find your astrology horoscope from Kathryn Andren for the activating Aries solar eclipse below!
Astrology for the Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 This Solar Eclipse with New Moon in Aries is positioned near the healing point Chiron. Chiron symbolizes healing on many levels in modern western astrology. Other planets and points also aligned in Aries include: Mercury in Retrograde, Venus, and the north node of the moon. With almost half of the planets for in the sign of Aries, during the eclipse, energy is accelerated! Look before you leap on any level.
April Astrology is intensified with the building planet pattern of expansive Jupiter nearing electric Uranus. They conjoin in the zodiac sign of Taurus April 21. Mars meeting sober Saturn in dreamy Pisces this week implies fertile ground for your projects and plans. Marry passionate idealism with practical realism.
Remember, any eclipse serves as a symbol for digging deeper or looking beneath the surface. Shadows become revealed during eclipse season. Know what you are looking at, and be sure you are seeing clearly, both with your personal circumstances and with global changes.
Are you ready to move quickly with new opportunities as they are presented to you? Have the courage to step into something new with a passionate action plan. The April Mercury Retrograde in action Aries implies think twice before making your move. Be reflective and reevaluate what matters most. Then, trust your instincts along with initiating necessary action steps. More for April astrology here.
Remember, emotion = energy in motion.
What is the Planet Ruler for Aries?
The Aries planet ruler is Mars. Aries thrives on individuation and spontaneous creation. Aries Ram gets things going then moves on to something new. Aries honors the needs of self, and focuses on creative individuated expression.
The next solar eclipse is April 8, 2024. What does this Aries New Moon mean for you? Check out your Sun sign and rising sign below to dive deeper into the themes and areas of life activated for you by the Solar Eclipse in Aries.
Solar Eclipse Astrology Horoscopes with Heart from Kathryn Andren
Aries: March 20 – April 20
Do you have anything to hide? Take a step back and reflect before jumping forward. The Solar Eclipse in your sign lights up your area of individuality. Have the courage to be your authentic self!
Taurus: April 20 – May 21
Close the door on the past so new windows of opportunity may open. The Solar Eclipse in Aries activates your region of completion. Usually, it’s easier for you to wait and see or go with the flow. Now you are inspired to find the clarity you need, then make your move.
Gemini: May 21 – June 21
You are the life of the party this week, just be picky with your playmates. The Solar Eclipse energizes your area of associates. Take care to be selective with your connections and conversations this weekend. Some valuable information may come your way from an unexpected friend.
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
All eyes are on you in the coming weeks. Integrity is especially important these days as the Solar Eclipse activates your area of career and public life. Say what you mean and do what you say. When you maintain your alignment and show respect to yourself and others, your reputation precedes you.
Leo: July 22 – August 23
Laugh it off Leo. Maintain your positive thinking and don’t let the inner critic get the best of you. The activation Aries Solar Eclipse in your area of higher mind and travel inspires deeper learning. When you are seeking new ideas and asking others for an opinion, you have more information to move toward your goal.
Virgo: August 23 – September 23
Dive deeper Virgo. Your intimacy area is activated Solar Eclipse in the energizing sign of Aries. Take the time to get real with how you really feel, then reveal yourself fully to friends or lovers openly and honestly. You have nothing to hide.
Libra: September 23 – October 23
Wake up and smell the coffee, loving Libra. The activating Aries Eclipse is in your region of relationship and marriage. What are you willing to tolerate or what will you defend when it comes to life and love? You can make a clean break or win over that special someone when you are assertive and clear in your communication.
Scorpio: October 23 – November 22
Clarity and discernment is your ally as the Solar Eclipse activates your area of life’s little details. Reflect and review your daily routine. Do you have healthy habits? Don’t get lost in dreamland, do something different!
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
The heat is on as your romance region is activated by the Aries Eclipse. Refer and reach out to your friends and associates, they will support you if your partner or playmate is right for you. Look before you leap when it comes to life and love this weekend.
Capricorn: December 21 – January 20
Settle down this weekend. Your area of family and foundation is energized by the Solar Eclipse alignment in Aries. Take time out with your loved ones and spend extra time with your parents or the kids. Work can wait.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
You are the talk of the town! Don’t put your foot in your mouth this week since the New Moon Solar eclipse aligns in your area of communications and connections. Remember seeing the other side of the story can support positive thinking or bring you to a higher perspective.
Pisces: February 18 – March 20
Show me the money. The Solar Eclipse activates your region of finance and personal pleasures. Double check your accounts. Are you sharing your resources with a special someone? Be sure you are conscious and clear with your agreements.
Kathryn Andren is an astrologer, writer and intuitive based in the Hudson Valley New York. Dedicated to healing service since 1997, she integrates astrology, art, & energy healing bodywork in her private practice. Her deep connection to land, sea and sky inspires a holistic approach to her consulting, writing and teaching. She holds a BA in Psychology and embodies years of professional experience with heartfelt intuitive wisdom. Consult with Kathryn for your personal astrology update.
Join for a la carte lunch on Monday before the eclipse and receive a pair of eclipse eyewear, then watch with us in the Walled Garden.
Image of the Walled Garden by Sophie Lin Berard.