Condé Naste Traveler, Hot List & Reader's Choice Award-Winner 2018 Lead Image

Condé Naste Traveler, Hot List & Reader's Choice Award-Winner 2018
Even with an update, this is still a country inn, but one you'll absolutely hate to leave on Sunday night.
Troutbeck was on Condé Nast Traveler's Hot List and received their Readers' Choice Award in 2018. Click here to read the article and hear what the CNT Editors had to say online.
"It’s the country retreat you wish your multi-millionaire great aunt invited you to every weekend. [Troutbeck] has been pulling in the literati and politicos for more than two centuries, but it only just got a massive refresh from Champalimaud Design (The Little Nell, the Dorchester), who seriously stepped up the vibe."