Cottage Courses: Paper Mache House Workshop with Polly Shindler Lead Image
Cottage Courses: Paper Mache House Workshop with Polly Shindler
This two-day workshop introduces the art of paper mache. In this class we will construct a sculpture of a home using cardboard, newspaper, glue and paint. Participants can bring in photos of their desired building or create one from their imagination. The first day of the workshop we will construct and paper mache our houses. The following day, we will prime and paint the final product. The details are the best part.
Cottage Courses are artist-taught workshops created in the spirit of sharing unique methods and skills within our community. Founded by Natalie Baxter and Polly Shindler, these all-level courses connect participants with artists and practitioners who bring their own spin to learning and creating. Course offerings are related to their own practice, sharing their aideas and work throughout these casual gatherings. Hopefully these courses will empower participants to create and innovate on their own, while making some new friends along the way.
Polly Shindler is a painter in Millerton, NY. Her paintings depict domestic life, interior scenes as well as urban and rural landscapes. During the pandemic, she taught herself how to paper mache so she could translate some of her ideas into the 3- dimensional space. These objects have become an extension of her painting practice.
Polly received her M.F.A. in Painting from Pratt Institute and her B.A. in History from University of Massachusetts. Her work has been exhibited at galleries and art fairs around the country and internationally in Brazil, Spain and London.